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Quasi-periodic Data Analysis

Factory sensor data includes a quasi-periodic type and a flow type, but this page is about the quasi-periodic type.
sensor data

Quasi-periodic data cannot be handled by general time series analysis

Periodic data that is not quasi-cyclic is like the following: If the data is held against the background of four seasons or a regular cycle such as 24 hours, it will be close to this.
sensor data

On the Time Series Analysis page, I wrote that Self Correlation Analysis and Spectrum Analysis are explained in the general explanation of time series analysis, but these theories use formulas created on the assumption of periodicity.

Quasi-periodic data look similar, but theories based on periodicity cannot be used.

Rather, when I want to look up something in quasi-periodic data, I often want to know the difference between something that is not cyclical, so I take an approach to know it.

Analysis of Quasi-periodic Data

Quasi-periodic data has complicated relationship and changing. So when we bring the data from database without any ideas, and put into multi-Variable analysis and data mining software, we cannot get what we want study.

Line Plot

I introduce the analysis of sensor data by the way, type 1, 1.5, 2 and 3. In these types basic tool is line plot.

It is not a high level tool. But it is useful the data we do not know the contains.

Process of Analysis

Repeat type is easier. So I write repeat type at first.

We need the idea of sampling and calculations before analysis.


I'm making an example using R and Python.

NEXT Sampling from Database
