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Project Management

The word "project" is often used in companies, but it seems good to think of it as having both a narrow and broad meaning.

A project whose purpose is to develop or produce something, such as product development, system development, or architecture, has a narrow meaning.

In a broader sense, members will be decided for each theme and will be executed within a certain period of time. A project in a narrow sense is also included in a broad sense. For example, small group activities and Six Sigma activities do not fall into the narrow sense, but fall into the broad sense .

As with small group activities and Six Sigma , in problem-solving procedures and discussions on decision-making theory , we often think that "the best way to proceed is to think broadly about the options before deciding." .. This way of thinking is important when doing a project in a broad sense.

In a narrow-sense project, it is better to think broadly about the options as a broad-sense project, but due to beliefs and position restrictions, it may often start as a narrow-sense project. For example, system development may start to solve the problem quickly and cheaply just by reviewing the business rules.

Project Management

There are many books and explanations in the world entitled "Project Management", but the content is aimed at projects in a narrow sense.

For example, this is problem-solving and problem-solving, where it is decided from the beginning that something will be created, such as "building a building" or "introducing a system (software or equipment)". In the field of artificial intelligence (AI) , "introduction of visual inspection AI", "introduction of anomaly detection AI", etc. are applicable.

We will proceed while deciding what kind of place to stand and what kind of building to make. Accurately grasping customer requirements and making on time are of particular importance.

It is a way for companies with specialized technologies such as architecture and AI to proceed with their own business. Not l

imited to PMBoK, which is the standard for project management, in what is called "project management", the order is start-up, planning, execution, monitoring / control , and so on.

Project management for projects in a broad sense

Project management in a broad sense is not standardized as "project management", but it is standardized as " Six Sigma ".

Project management in problem solving and task achievement

Problem-solving procedures and task-achieving procedures apply to projects in a broad sense, but once countermeasures and measures are decided, they become the same as projects in a narrow sense. In other words, the flow is start-up, planning, execution, monitoring and control .

When measures and measures become IT, AI, DX

Computers are better at doing things repeatedly, according to rules, faster, more accurately, cheaper, and less tiring than humans.

For this reason, many companies have promoted "IT". With the introduction of IT, computer systems will be introduced. Efficiency improvement through IT is an order of magnitude more effective than improving only human work, so it is powerful enough to create a new market.

With the dramatic increase in computer processing speed and the expansion of networks, artificial intelligence is being added to the functions of systems. There are many expectations.

From around 2020, it is said to be "DX (digital transformation)" instead of "IT".

The author thinks that the basis of problem solving and task achievement is to select quick, cheap, and reliable measures and measures. On the other hand, IT, AI, DX, etc. have great appeal and expectations, so it is common in the world that these become countermeasures and measures without taking the stage of selecting measures and measures.

This may be the reason why it is easy to imagine that IT, AI, and DX will be executed as projects in a narrow sense.


Abbreviation for Soft Systems Methodology. By following the 7 steps in order, we try to model the reality and lead the reality from the model to improvement.

It is the theory when making a system.

NEXT Business flow
