When making Cause and Effect Analysis, there are times when things do not consist of only two things, such as "the cause isAAA and the result is BBB".
One way to talk about three or more things being related is to talk about Kinds of Cause and Effect (AND, OR) .
On another note, there is what is called the "cause of causes" or the "root cause". The why-why analysis seeks the cause of the cause and tries to get to the root cause. This page says that the root cause can be divided into three categories: psychological, physical, and logical .
Depending on what kind of thing is causing the phenomenon for which we want to know the causal relationship, we change our approach to psychology, physics, and logic. For exa
mple, the causes of phenomena that occur in reality, such as when a large number of defective products are produced in a factory, are complex. In such cases, there is a mixture of things caused by humans and things caused by things, but we will examine them from the perspectives of psychology, physics, and logic, and sort out how they are related.
Behavioral analysis is a well-researched field of human behavior that is routinely performed in daily life and work .
I think that actions such as "doing XX" have preconditions before them, and that good things happen (has happened) afterward.
In the case of "I will not do XX", I think about the case when nothing good happens (has not happened) and the case when bad things happen (has happened).
"Benefits" can also be called "benefits". He thinks he will do the action because something good is going to happen to him . It is not always the case that the person himself/herself is aware of what is "good", so there are times when the person himself/herself does not know what it is.
Behavioral economics and the psychology of decision-making generally study the types of habits people have when they think "this is better."
There are many things that have not been clarified, but there are laws in natural phenomena. For example, "the law of universal gravitation". A common example is "water flows from high to low".
Even though the machines in the factory seem to do complicated things, each one is an application of the laws of nature.
Many laws of nature are expressed in mathematical formulas. Physics and mathematics study esoteric concepts and formulas, but much of what happens in even the most advanced factories is governed by rudimentary natural law formulas. In any case, rather than trying to put data into a statistical model and being overwhelmed by whether the fit is good or bad, thinking about a mathematical model based on the laws of nature is a more reliable way of proceeding in terms of explainability.
There is always a program somewhere that describes how machines and software work.
If you can't see the program, or if it's too difficult to understand even if you look at it, you can guess how the program is written by looking at the movement.
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