Data Analysis by R

Canonical Correlation Analysis by R

Example of Canonical Correlation Analysis and Visualization by compressing high dimensions into two dimensions with Canonical Correlation Analysis .

Ordinary canonical correlation analysis

In the example data, there are 6 variables, and it is assumed that the 3 from the left and the 3 after that are each a group.

In the same way that principal component analysis computes multiple synthetic variables, the first principal component, the second principal component, and so on, multiple synthetic variables are computed in canonical correlation analysis. In the example below, only the combination of the first component is extracted and made into a scatter diagram.

CCA library

Data <- read.csv("Data.csv", header=T)
Retu <- 3
# Columns 1:3 is one group. Other columns is the other group
DataX <- Data[,1:Retu]
Retu2 <- Retu+1
Retu3 <- ncol(Data)
DataY <- Data[,Retu2:Retu3]
model <- cc(DataX,DataY)

Youso <- 1
# Number of factor
X1 <- model$scores$xscores[,Youso]
Y1 <- model$scores$yscores[,Youso]
Data5 <- cbind(data.frame(X1,Y1),Index = row.names(Data))
ggplotly(ggplot(Data5, aes(x=X1, y=Y1,label=Index)) + geom_text() + labs(x="Xs",y="Ys"))

Canonical Correlation Analysis
# Correlation coefficient
Canonical Correlation Analysis

We can see that the first components have a correlation coefficient of 0.93. The second component is also high because it is 0.87.

cancor function

The cancor function is standard installed with R. Basically the same as CCA, but new components are not calculated and must be calculated from the coefficients.

Data <- read.csv("Data.csv", header=T)
Retu <- 3
# Columns 1:3 is one group. Other columns is the other group
DataX <- Data[,1:Retu]
Retu2 <- Retu+1
Retu3 <- ncol(Data)
DataY <- Data[,Retu2:Retu3]
model <- cancor(DataX,DataY)

u <- data.matrix(DataX) %*% model$xcoef
v <- data.matrix(DataY) %*% model$ycoef
Data6 <- cbind(u = data.frame(u[,1]),v = data.frame(v[,1]),Index = row.names(Data),Factors = c(1))
names(Data6)[1:2] <- c("u","v")
for(i in 2:min(ncol(u),ncol(v))) {
Data61 <- cbind(u = data.frame(u[,i]),v = data.frame(v[,i]),Index = row.names(Data),Factors = c(i))
names(Data61)[1:2] <- c("u","v")
Data6 <- rbind(Data6,Data61)
ggplot(Data6, aes(x=u,y=v,label=Index)) + geom_text() + facet_wrap(~Factors,scales="free") + labs(x="Xs",y="Ys")

Canonical Correlation Analysis

Kernel canonical correlation analysis (nonlinear)

In the example data, there are 6 variables, and it is assumed that the 3 from the left and the 3 after that are each a group.

kernlab library

Data <- read.csv("Data.csv", header=T)
Retu <- 3
# Columns 1:3 is one group. Other columns is the other group
DataX <- Data[,1:Retu]
Retu2 <- Retu+1
Retu3 <- ncol(Data)
DataY <- Data[,Retu2:Retu3]
k <- rbfdot()
# laplacedot(), besseldot(), anovadot(), splinedot(), polydot(), vanilladot(), tanhdot()
result <- kcca(data.matrix(DataX), data.matrix(DataY), kernel = k, ncomps = 3)
u <- kernelMatrix(k,data.matrix(DataY)) %*% result@xcoef
v <- kernelMatrix(k,data.matrix(DataX)) %*% result@ycoef
Youso <- 1
# Number of factor
Y1 <- u[,Youso]
X1 <- v[,Youso]
Data5 <- cbind(data.frame(X1,Y1),Index = row.names(Data))
ggplotly(ggplot(Data5, aes(x=X1, y=Y1,label=Index)) + geom_text() + labs(x="Xs",y="Ys"))
